When Andy and I started to fall in love this spring, we dreaded the season that would come after spring-the summer we would face apart.You see, I felt God calling me to use my love of Spanish and the Bible to move to a tiny village called San Jose de Quero that's 13,000 ft. up in the Andes Mountains of Peru and disciple new believers for two months. While I was excited about this adventure, I knew how hard it'd be to be away from Andy for that long. He started to feel the same thing.
So then the love letters begun.
We wrote each other a letter every day, each for one of the 61 days I'd be gone. The letters started out as cute and almost puppy lovish, but grew more romantic with every day that we'd fall deeper in love. The day that I left for Lima, we exchanged our letters with tears in my eyes.
This summer, I clung to every word Andy had written me. Starting each morning with one of God's love letters in the Bible followed by one of Andy's, I'd walk into our hostel kitchen with a big grin on my face every morning. Days when I missed Andy or wanted to be reminded of all of the wonderful memories I've made with him, I'd reread yesterday's letter and count down the days until I'd run into his arms at the Jacksonville International Airport once more. It was something so beautiful to read each morning before I'd do ministry.
After nearly nine weeks of counting down the days, on July 20 I ran off that plane and into Andy's arms!!!! That night as I was getting ready for bed and starting to read my Bible, I thanked God for no longer having to read Andy's love letters but to be in his presence instead.
And suddenly it dawned on me, as I stared at God's letter of His great love for humanity. For now I only read God's love letters, but one day I'll be in his presence instead.
Oh how my heart longs for that day! To see with my own eyes and to have full understanding of the things I always asked God about on Earth. To touch love and feel Christ's nail-scarred hands, the sacrifice He made so I could be there. To be reunited with the One who I love more than anything.
Now I read His letters eagerly, but I long for the day that I'll no longer have to do that and be in His presence instead.
Andy and I the night after I got back!