Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Adventures in Love: Men, Make the First Move!

Andy and I are totally in love. We've been dating since February 2012 and well, everyday is better than the last. I've waited a long time for a love that like that :) But I may have totally missed out on one of the best things that ever happened to me if he didn't randomly send me this Facebook message one day: 

A first move is crucial for any love story to come true. The prince must pursue the fair maiden!!!!! But for all of us to live happily ever after, the guys and gals must remember a few things first.

1. Guys, be a man and pursue the girl you're interested in. You were meant to pursue. It's your nature. You were meant to hunt, to chase. In cavemen days your kind chased and killed the wildabeast for your wife's stew. It was your test of manliness. Now you shouldn't kill a nasty rodent for supper, but you need to grow a pair and flirt with the girl you like.

I say this with caution. Don't stalk her. Don't IM her on Facebook four times a day. Don't propose on the spot. But flirt. Yes, flirt, I know you know how to do it. Be where she is. Laugh extra hard at her jokes. SEND HER A RANDOM FACEBOOK MESSAGE. Talk to her, and if it goes well and she seems to respond, ask her out. 

Know why? Cuz I see too many guys doing one of two things-either thinking that it's the 21st century and a girl should be the one asking a guy out or 2. being too wimpy and whiny in their manhood to grow some and then the girl of their dreams gets whisked away by a dude who was secure in his manhood and had the guts to ask her out. 

If you ask her on a date, PAY for everything. Make it natural. Treat her like a princess. If you call her the next day and she wants to talk, good sign! But if she says she isn't interested or doesn't respond to your texts, be a man and MOVE ON. Don't pout. Don't stalk her. Don't pretend that it wasn't a date and she was stupid for calling it one. 

You're a man. Now use that manliness and stop being a sissy.

2. Ladies, give a guy a break. Oh my heavens, please stop holding guys to expectations that we ourselves wouldn't want to be held to. If you want a guy to accept that you aren't a tiny, skinny, beautiful 34 D cup blonde then don't reject him if he's not a huge, buff Leonardo Dicaprio look alike.

Now, don't give him too much of a break. Have standards, but make sure you could meet those same standards. As far as pursuing goes, let him know you're interested. Once again, SEND HIM A RANDOM FACEBOOK MESSAGE! But don't ask him out. Oh, sure guys like that. But they like a chase or they get bored. Let him pursue or don't expect it to last long.

3. If he doesn't ask you out, either he's not that into you or he's too sissy to ask you out, so he isn't for you. If she makes up excuses when you ask her on a date, she's just not that into you. 

Girls are the queens of excuses. They make us feel better emotionally:

"Oh he hasn't asked me out because his stupid ex-gf broke his heart and now he's taking it slow."

"He likes me, he's just shy."

"I know one of these days he'll wake up and see that he belongs with me."

"I just need to flirt harder."

"I should lose five pounds and wear more make-up and some better flats tomorrow. Then he will be mine."

Look, he doesn't like you and so he won't ask you out...OR he does but he's too insecure to ask you out. Either way, your crush isn't the guy for you.

Dudes....hahahahahaha this is what I hear from y'all....

"If I just pursue her harder and tell her how beautiful and wonderful she is, I can woo her."

"I think she's really busy with her studies right now, that's why she doesn't want to have coffee!"

"I know her dad is just really strict, that's why she won't go to prom with me."

Girls are emotional creatures. For the most part, it breaks our heart to break your heart. So if we don't like you, we'll come up with excuses. Mine have included:

"Oh, um my dad doesn't know you so he said no to prom. I'm sorry."

"Oh, well I'm moving to Tallahassee so I don't think we should do long distance dating. Sorry."

You get the picture. If a girl likes you, she WILL say yes..and call all of her friends about the date. If not, it's rare she'll actually come out and just say "no."

By this point, Andy knows me well enough to know that I could care less that the National Hurricane Center has put their website in Spanish. But he liked hurricanes, I liked Spanish, and he liked me. Little did he know that I liked him, too and had been praying about him as a possible boyfriend/future husband candidate.

I didn't care that I thought his pick-up line was a little lame (although cute). All that mattered was he valued me enough to pursue me.

And the rest is history. :)

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