If you are a girl and you are reading this, do you measure your beauty by your number on the scale?
Heh, I'm almost certain you said yes. I've come to the conclusion that all girls feet fat, no matter how much they weigh. By the way, if you are a guy and you are reading this, NEVER joke about a girl being fat or ugly. You might do that with your guy friends, but you don't realize how sensitive most girls are about these things. I know I am.
But yeah, I've always felt fat. The funny thing is that I've never been overweight. I've always been at a healthy weight for my height and everything, but there was always that pressure to be thin. We have it engraved in our minds that thin=beauty. I was one of those girls who had the whole formula memorized: 100 lbs for the first five feet and you can have about 5 lbs for every inch. At 5 foot, 5 inches, if I weighed ANYTHING over 125 lbs, it was time to lose weight.
I think that we need to chill out with this, because we will never be satisfied. When I was 17 I took ballet classes for 2 1/2 hours a week, went jogging for 3 hours a week, and practiced ballet for about an hour, too. I weighed 115 lbs...and I was still convinced that I was fat and counting those calories. Why did I do all of this? It was simple: I wanted to feel beautiful and I wanted to have a boyfriend, which would make me beautiful. Since being thin meant beautiful and beautiful meant having a boyfriend, I would go hungry just to have those things. The funny thing is that I didn't even go on my first date until a year and a half later when I had gained about 15-20 lbs....ironic, huh?
At the same time, I reaaaallly think we need to be healthier. In my case, I haven't been exercising on a regular basis in about two years! Since I started working part-time jobs and going to college, I've developed a bad fast food habit (Zaxby's is just too delicious gahhhhh) and have started eating late at night when I'm trying to study (nothing like coffee and cookies yum yum yum!). Also since I moved out in August I've been eating things that are easy to make..and easy to gain weight from...like grilled cheese sandwiches. As a result of all of these things, I'm definitely not the ballerina I used to be. I mean, I'm not overweight but I don't want to be, so it's time for a new, healthy lifestyle!
It's not about the numbers that you see on the scale, but how you take care of the body that you've been given by God. For example, today I ate pizza for breakfast/lunch, but then for dinner I ate broccoli and sweet potatoes with no butter or sugar to try to eat a balanced diet. I also did old ballet barre exercises for about an hour and felt GREAT afterword!
Never let being thin equal to being beautiful in your mind, because even if you do eat right and exercise you still may not be a stick and you still may have natural curves. Don't let your beauty come from the thrill you get when you see you're the thinnest girl in the room, because life-pregnancies, unpreventable changes in diet, age-HAPPEN. And never let your beauty be measured by your number on a scale, because girl, you are worth so much more than that.