Snow White sighed and collapsed on her bed. She clutched Cinderella's wedding invitation in her hand and watched it fall to the floor. Cinderella and her used to be besties, you know? They used to sing songs together about dreams your heart makes, handsome princes, and lots and lots of love! On lonely nights when all of the other girls were out dancing with their men, Cindy and Snow White had hung out and done girl stuff. Those were the glory days, the days that were fading just like the sunset that Cinderella and the Prince had faded away into.
All of Snow White's other princess friends had found someone! Aurora found her prince and even got to sleep for 100 years, too! Jasmine fell in love with a street boy named Aladdin, which was weird, but at least her dad finally gave the approval! Giselle married some weirdo from the land of New York, too, but at least it was true love's kiss! Even ARIEL, who had like the strictest father in the world, was married to Prince Eric and got to become a human so she could marry him. That was especially lame, because Snow White and Prince Eric used to hang out (as friends). But ever since he had fallen in love with the Red Head, their friendship was no more.
"Someday my prince will come," Snow White quietly sang to herself as tears fell down her eyes. She was tired of being alone. Despite what people said about her being "the fairest of them all," Snow White felt so ugly and unloveable. No one would fall in love with her.
"WAKE UP, SLEEPY!!!!!!!" an ugly voice shouted, taking Snow White away from her thoughts. Ugh, that was Grumpy talking. So how about Snow White lived with seven dwarves?? How this happened was a long story for sure.
Maybe Snow White's prince was among one of the dwarves. Maybe the one she was meant to be with was one of them. Okay, so they sure weren't princes. They weren't what she was looking for. But she was so tired of being alone and just wanted a happily ever after like everyone else. It was worth a shot.
"Hey, Grumpy," Snow White said in her flirtiest voice possible, winking her big bright eye.
Hello, reader!
If you made it THAT far into my little tale, you were probably pretty ticked off once you got to the end of the story. Snow White decided to give up on waiting for her prince and settled for a nasty, angry dwarf!!!!! Some fairy tale, huh?!
But maybe you related to the beginning of my story when Snow White feels lonely because all of her princess friends have found someone, and she's convinced something is wrong with her. I definitely feel that way sometimes when I realize that at least half of my girlfriends in high school are engaged/married, and I'm humming "I Just Haven't Met You Yet" to myself on the way in between classes to make myself feel better about being alone.
When we get so tired of being alone, we tend to settle for whatever guy comes our way. But the guys we settle for are usually awful, and even if they're okay what if the great Romancer has something better for us in mind? If Snow White had realllly settled for Grumpy, then when her prince came by a bit later on he couldn't marry her because she was already taken. I'm sure Snow White would have totally regreted this!!!
On those days you're tired of being alone, invest yourself first in the One who gave His life to save you, because that's the only place you'll find rest. Then, give your life 100% to whatever He puts your way. Until I find someone, I'm focusing 100% on the international student ministry I'm involved with, becoming the best future Spanish teacher I can be, and preparing my heart to work in the ministry one day. Don't become distracted by the things around you, but focus on what's ahead.
Because after all, today's a gift. But someday your prince will come. Don't forget that, my friend.
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