And for 19 of them (including this one), I have not had a Valentine. Sad, huh?????
You know, I used to think that my life would never be complete until I'd find Prince Charming. Somehow I thought that having a man in my life would fix things. All I wanted was someone (other than my mom) to think that I was completely beautiful on the inside and out. And sometimes I still feel this way. This weekend my best friend back home and her boyfriend came to visit me, which was awesome! But, as those two and then my sister (who I consider to be my other best friend) and her boyfriend were all hanging out, I felt kinda lame because I didn't have anyone :( Have you ever been able to relate to this?
But God has been teaching this ol' heart of mine a few things lately. For one, a relationship status does not define who I am, because love comes and goes. Don't let whether or not you have a significant other influence your confidence, because what if you lose that relationship or never get one? Let the fact that you are awesome, period, because God made you affect your confidence.
Secondly, perhaps I'm meant to be single at a time like this. I think about all of the things I'm able to do because I'm single and it's awesome! I can work with international students several hours a week, teach conversational English for three hours a week, be active in my church, and go to South America for two months this summer without worrying about a boyfriend back home. I can also focus on me! :D
Finally, people are going to let you down. Until you're happy being single, you won't be happy in a relationship. Love isn't the cure to happiness, because there are plenty of unhappy taken people, too.
Wherever you are in life, learn to be content. Focus on what you do have and realize that God will give you what you don't have when the time is right. Count your many blessings in all seaons that you're in!
On a final note, February 14 is Mexican Food Day. Who cares about Valentine's Day??? Eat Mexican food instead, people!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is a picture of some friends and I eating Mexican food. Do this instead on February 14. I know that's what I'll be doing.
DAWWW!! :( I sowwy we made you feel sad! I love you Caroline! You are awesome and don't need a relationship status to define you because you're amazing on your own. But God has a SMOG for you, just keep on keeping on!
ReplyDeleteI came back and read this post just like you asked! It's amazing what God is doing in your life when you are unawares, sleeping, crying, laughing, and working hard! At this very moment, God is planning our futures, Caroline! NO! WAIT! They are already planned! Our future is but a memory to God. Doesn't that sound wonderful?!?! :) You are amazing and beautiful, Caroline! I look up to you so much and maybe this time I'll trail you in a relationship! LOL! Not for awhile, for me, though. Waiting for awhile! Waiting for God's best and seeing what He has planned! Love you bunches, dear!