I've been watching Netflix lately with the team. Guatemalan Netflix gives you more options than 'merican Netflix does. My only complaint is that they don't have Spider-Man!!
I like Mr. Spidey. I feel like Spidey a lot cuz I'm a loser but then when God came into my life when I was 14 (much like getting bit by that cray cray spider) I became a new creation, and with that came these huge changes in my life. When I was 17, all I knew was that God loved me and He wanted my life to be about telling others about His love, so I gave my life to missions.
I didn't know about how or where or what He'd send me doing, but I set off on a bunch of adventures to find out. Cuz with great power comes great responsibility....right??? Lately I've been reflecting on these adventures and how they've sent me on the road I think I'm heading.
First there was Camp Crestridge for Girls! Because of experiences I had with insecurities and self-esteem as a teenager before I gave my life to Christ, I wanted to help other girls with the same issues in Summer 2009!

But after I left camp that summer, I felt God telling me that He wanted me to major in Spanish and devote my life to working with Hispanic immigrants. In the meantime, He would develop my Spanish by doing mission work overseas until He called me home. So when I was 18, I was a summer missionary intern at Mission Centers of Houston, an inner-city mission that mostly serves Latino immigrant families in inner-city Houston. This taught me my love of immigrant ministry and teaching English as a Second Language.

When I was 20 I knew that God wanted me to use my love and gift of Spanish in South America to share the Gospel. So I spent Summer 2012 working with the indigenous Quechua people of Peru, living in a rustic village called San Jose de Quero. Through helping these indigenous shepherds in their fields, teaching English in the tiny village school, and Bible study, I built Christ-sharing relationships with the people there.

For the past two years, I've been involved as a leader in the Friends of Internationals ministry and through teaching conversational English at FSU. The purpose of both of these things has been to help international students and their families to adjust to life in a new culture and language. By making some of my best friends and having some of my most educational experiences here, I've seen how God has called me to do immigrant/international student ministry with my life.

Finally, this past summer I've been interning at a malnutrition center in indigenous Guatemala through Orphan's Heart (Florida Baptist Children's Homes). Seeing the conditions many underprivileged Guatemalans live in help me understand why many choose to immigrate to the United States..and how my loves of foreign language, ESL and hospitality can welcome these people and can show them the love of Christ.

I tell you this because a lot of people have been asking me "So are you going to the mission field next?" "Are you going overseas after you graduate this summer?" "You're definitely called to ministry!" and I feel the need to explain where I think God's next step is in my life.
First of all, I don't see myself overseas as a career missionary. To be a missionary is a lot more than liking a one week trip to the Ukraine. To be a missionary means the Gospel is the ONLY thing that sustains you. To be a missionary means you have a sense of church planting and effective witnessing. The only thing that satisfies you is knowing how you are bringing people to the Lord. To be a missionary is a very special calling.
Instead, I see God telling me that there are people from all over the world coming to my beloved homeland-the United States of America. People come to study, they come for better opportunities, they come for safety, they come for religious freedom-and they exchange their beloved homeland to be dubbed as a stranger to all. They speak a strange language-English-that makes communication a struggle every day. They are confused by our materialistic culture. These immigrants leave all they know and love behind for a better life. What better person to help these searching people out than an American?
Fear and embarrassment often drives the Christians away from these people who need friendship the most. People who love cross-cultural situations often overlook these people because you don't have the adventure of leaving the States to do this ministry. Because I love other cultures/languages, meeting new people, and mentoring people, I believe this is the ministry God has placed me in.
Currently my plan is to teach Spanish for the next two years as I get my Master's from FSU in Foreign/Second Language Teaching. From that point on, I hope to teach ESL in schools, non-profits and church ministries or to even lead a Christian ministry that helps immigrants and refugees adjust to life in the States. I will always love traveling and missions and God might even take me back overseas for a season of my life.

I know that the task that God has put ahead of me requires a lot of responsibility..but He gives me the power to do it yay! So Spidey Powers...away! Or something like dat!!
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