Every night before the girls go to bed, we hang. We do stupid things. Two days ago we did the salsa. Yesterday we played an INTENSE version of Simon Says. Today we merely just took stupid pictures together like this.....
One of my girls, who's 5, started to tear up. "Do you have a mom?" she said.
"I do," I answered.
"And a dad?" she said.
"Yep," I said cautiously.
"You know something? My mom died two years ago. When my mom died, my dad abandoned me. He doesn't love me, so he sent me to live with my grandma. But so many kids live with her [that she couldn't feed us well and so I got sick from not eating] and she sent me here." I blinked back tears. This girl is only 5!
"Do you miss your mom?" I asked her.
"I do, so much," the little girl said, about to cry. "And my grandma lives so far away she doesn't visit me. But my godfather does. And I miss my mom very, very much."
"My friend died, too this year," I told her about my childhood friend and beloved classmate Brooke Rhoden. "But you know something, mi amor?"
"When there's something we're too small to fight like David, God gives us the strength we need to fight our Goliaths. When you miss your mom, God will help you do what you can't do alone."
And the little girl smiled :)
It's amazing how God just brought up a random story for this little girl who needed it the most! And if you feel like David trying to fight your Goliaths with just a measly pair of stones, remember that how small you are isn't important, but how big God is :) Doesn't that make you want to smile?!
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